Crisis support

We’re proud to aid thousands of veterans and their families nationally with financial support for mental health support services, housing stability support and rehabilitation support services.

We're here 24/7, 365 days a year

If you are a veteran or veteran family member in need of support, please contact our
Crisis Support Hotline 1300 532 112.

Wounded Heroes Australia is the stop gap for immediate financial assistance to veteran families who are struggling financially due to changes in circumstances, wait times in application processes with varying defence related organisations.

Our aim is to relieve some of the financial burden experienced to assist with your path to recovery. We then collaborate with other veterans’ organisations who specialise in areas that form the
next step in getting you back to your best. Wounded Heroes Australia is regularly
referred emergency assistance cases from ESO's such as RSL,
Department of Veterans Affairs (Triage and Connect), and Open Arms.

Fill in the form below if you need some help.

A crisis payment is a payment payable to assist Defence Force veterans,
current serving personnel and their families who are in severe financial hardship. 

Mental health support services

The majority of financial assistance provided by Wounded Heroes Australia is to veterans experiencing mental health conditions and disorders, including PTSD, panic attacks, anxiety, and major depression. Wounded Heroes Australia provides suicide prevention and financial crisis support to at risk veterans with compassion and dignity to restore hope and purpose for a better future.

Veterans suffering from PTSD, anxiety and other mental health conditions are also eligible to apply for our Horses 4 Heroes equine healing program.

Housing stability support

When a veteran is impacted mentally or physically and is unable to serve, it can have a devastating effect on their financial situation. Wounded Heroes Australia provides financial assistance to bridge the gap and relieve financial pressure for veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

While a small number of cases may require repeat assistance, the majority of cases see veterans becoming financially independent with secured permanent housing after receiving financial assistance.

Rehabilitation support services

Our servicemen and women are provided with medical care and rehabilitation as a condition of their service, however some need augmentation. If they have sustained major injury and can no longer serve, this impacts their income and increases financial and emotional strain.

Wounded Heroes Australia provides financial assistance for veterans to purchase specialist mobility and lifestyle aids to allow for recovery and prepare for the next stage of life. Recovery and preparation for the future can sometimes take years. We help to fund that journey giving hope to our deserving veterans.

Support for families

Rehabilitation programs exist for the wounded, but so much of the recovery process impacts and depends on the family. Wounded Heroes provides emergency funding and other assistance to make life easier, helping the family of a wounded veteran cope with a demanding set of new circumstances.

Counselling for children, short-term financial aid, respite for a spouse or domestic assistance are just some of the ways that the family's challenge can be eased.


Find out about our Horses 4 Heroes equine healing program here.

Helpful links

Find information and links to other veteran support organisations here.